Mr Lee is also battling to combat two of the country's thorniest problems: an expensive education system based on rote-learning and the need to diversify out of dirty heavy industry. 李明博还在和韩国最棘手的两个问题作斗争:建立在死记硬背基础上、成本高昂的教育体制,以及进行产业多样化以减少高污染重工业的需要。
The gear pump, having advantages of simple and cheap configuration, insensible to dirty in the liquids, good sucking ability for heavy liquids, is widely used in transporting high-viscosity liquids in light and chemical industry. 齿轮泵因具有结构简单、成本低、在高粘度下的抽吸性能好等优点,所以在轻化工行业高粘度液体的定量输送方面得到了广泛的应用。